Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to change the brake pads on 2000 Mercury Cougar?

I have 2000 mercury cougar that i am trying to change the rear brakes on. I can't figure out were the pins are or even how to get them out. I am a girl who needs this done like reallllllly badly. If someone if give me a step by step that would be like AMAZING!How to change the brake pads on 2000 Mercury Cougar?If you check your local auto parts store you'll find they sell a repair manual for your car. It will give you a step by step for most anything you want to do on the car. I never start any major repairs on any car without a manual.How to change the brake pads on 2000 Mercury Cougar?really not hard at all to just change pads.... take wheel off and try pushing the pads and piston back.. if they moving remover pin or bolts and lift off caliber pull off old pad and push ther caliber back on you can find your answer here and maybe a video of how its done... only a couple types.. one the piston just will push back with a screwdriver or c clamp.. other is a screw in type piston for that you need to rent the tool.. all cars brake are pretty much the same in how they work so once you can do one the rest will be easy my wife does heres.. you can change the pads twice and then you really must have the rotors turned
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