I have the original pads off and I squeezed the new pads in but I cant get the pistion back in. Is there a certian way to put mustang pads in or no? is the piston supose to be that hard to push back in? I have used a c clamp but its not working.How do i change the rear brake pads on my 01 mustang?The system uses the parking brake, The system is called an ' Integrated parking brake system ' and requires a special tool to turn the piston as it is pushed in.How do i change the rear brake pads on my 01 mustang?YOU NEED A BRAKE CALIPER TOOL. THIS TOOL IS USE TO TURN THE BRAKE CALIPER PISTONS BACK INTO THE BRAKE CALIPERS. BEFORE TURNING THE BRAKE PISTONS, YOU NEED TO LOOSEN THE BRAKE BLEED SCREW ON THE CALIPER. THIS WILL PREVENT THE BRAKE FLUID FROM PUSHING AGAINST THE ABS PUMP OR MASTERCYLINDER WHILE TURNING THE BRAKE PISTONS BACK IN. AFTER YOU TURN THE BRAKE CALIPER PISTONS BACK IN, CLOSE THE BLEEDER SCREW. LUBRICATE THE BRAKE PAD ENDS AND BRAKE CALIPER SLIDING PINS TO PREVENT THE BRAKE PADS FROM RUBBING AGAINST THE BRAKE ROTORS ALL THE TIME.PUMP THE BRAKE PEDAL A FEW TIMES UNTIL IT GET HARD AND THE PEDAL IS ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP. CHANGE THE BRAKE FLUID IF IT IS NOT CLEAR TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO OTHER BRAKE PARTS. TORQUE THE LUG NUTS TO 90 FT. LB. (BEFORE AND AFTER A 5 MILES TEST DRIVE. DO NOT MAKE ANY PANIC STOP OR APPLY HARD BRAKE. THIS WILL OVER HEAT THE BRAKE PADS AND REDUCE THE BRAKE FRICTION AND NOISEHow do i change the rear brake pads on my 01 mustang?Go to: /www.chilton.cengage.com/
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There is a reason they have been around since 1922.How do i change the rear brake pads on my 01 mustang?You dont use a c clamp, you have to twist the piston back in with a rear caliper tool.